We Are Making Brands Online
With the exponential rise of social media over the years, it has become an indispensable part of building your online presence. Recent reports suggest that 4 out of 5 people in Singapore use Social Media regularly. With a userbase of over 4.6 million out of a population of 5.5 million.
Singapore’s social media is dominated by Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Facebook boasts of having more than 4.2 million active Facebook users in Singapore, whereas Instagram has a userbase of about 2.248 million active users. Data suggests that organisations who engage in social media marketing experience a higher rate of loyalty from its users.
To establish an online presence, and to appeal to the more than 4.6 million active social media users, it is essential to develop and devise a marketing plan. Drafting a successful marketing campaign can be challenging and troublesome and to cater to all your marketing needs there only one place you need to go to – MediaOne.
You can count on MediaOne to carry out a successful marketing campaign for your app as the MediaOne Social Media Marketing Services not only ensure a better number of downloads for your application but also helps you establish a relationship with the users, which results in the formation of an active and loyal user base.